Kalma on Egg

About five years ago 33 year old Mikail Guclu from the Regent Quarter of the Hague, Holland, bought some eggs fresh from the farm and as usual had them on sale in his shop. But two of the eggs seemed slightly strange. "I noticed that the shells were a little misshapen." he said "Very odd, just like Arabic letters, And then suddenly I saw it: 'Allah'." Reason enough for him to call a friend. He himself speaks four languages but his knowledge of Arabic is limited and besides, he wanted to hear all the 'ins and outs' of it.
"But I could hardly believe what he said - what he could read on the egg was "There is but one God, Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." That’s why I asked others just to be on the safe side, and I went to the mosque, to the imam. Everyone said the same thing."
Guclu discovered the "miracle beans" while sorting through them two days after he had purchased the eggs. He had bought about five kilos of beans, about 500 grams of which bear the name 'Allah'.
Guclu believes that what subsequently happened with the beans is even more of a miracle. He gave some of the 'Allah beans to friends. Out of respect he did not feel he could sell the remaining beans; he decided to give them to the mosque, and requested that they be cooked and shared among the congregation. " About forty people enjoyed a complete meal from those beans and there was still food left over. The imam told me later; " We could serve as much as we wished, and the supply was still not exhausted."

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